Ce blog ne va plus me servir qu'a faire des test. Je vous invite donc à changer le flux RSS pour mes autres blogs qui se trouvent sur leafar.eu
Ce blog ne va plus me servir qu'a faire des test. Je vous invite donc à changer le flux RSS pour mes autres blogs qui se trouvent sur leafar.eu
Typepad was cool but i am moving to wordpress.
I will manage two blogs :
In bonus a small video from "Fu long" (Happy dragon) the newly born baby panda from Vienna's Zoo.
Animoto dechire... voici une petite vidéo faite rapidement.
Vous pouvez retrouver toutes les photos de Krakow ici
I was working on my hall of fame this morning and especially on Steve Reich.
If you follow this blog you know that i am a hug fan of him. I've posted about it several times (Piano Phase, Daniel Variation, Eight lines)
And today I've found this video :
One line shocked me (exegetic shock) : "And they turned this piece into something of lifestyle"
That's exactly what I have done over the past 4 years while listening to Reich nearly every week (Most scrobbled artist ;-).
That's also what I have done with photography over the last 8 years :
That's also what i've done with U.[lik] and my virtual identity.
Life is now about adhesion .... remixing the past for the better. Share feelings and build a deeper me.
Soukorama #1 est en ligne, vous pouvez voir l'épisode ici.
N'hésitez pas à rejoindre notre groupe facebook pour être tenu au courant de l'évolution du show.
Sinon c'est simple c'est tout les vendredi à 14h44 sur www.soukorama.tv
For the new year i wanted to do my annual report, but i was to busy at the time.
So I'll do it now (because i love the movie below - Source) ... i was very very impressed with the global stats, I could do a full life version but working my weblife out was already enough work.
See the full list by clicking on the link below.
I’ve been tagged by Sarahcpr ! I love this kind of chain when they are really personal, I've done already tow of them Five Things People Don't Know About Me and I eat therefore I am (in french).
These are the rules of this particular meme:
EIGHT random facts. Ok, here it goes…
So let's pass the meme to PhilJ, Louis, Christine, Fred and Fraser.
Tout a cassé cet été : voiture, ordi et téléphone sauf moi ;-D
Je démenage ce week-end... je vais etre silencieux pendant un moment .... je vais avoir une nouvelle bibliothèque. Silence donc sur ce blog que je vais peut etre soigner de sa schizophrénie en revenant en forme avec deux moi ! Moi U.[lik] en anglais et U.[lik] Moi (hihi) en francais ... europe after all ;-D
J'ai passé les vacances d'un bukoswkien panthésiste (raison gardée grâce à mon abstinence passée). Twitter (mon seul moyen de communication) a des originies littéraires ... épistolaires. Merci à laure, à adrien&thomas et à mes parents. La paille de mon été en carte nomade.
C'est la rentrée ;-D
Last week a user of facebook contacted me because I was the only one (except himself) with the religion pantheism. It was quite funny and the discussion followed on twitter. Yesterday I was quietly reading Notes of a dirty old men by Charles Bukowski and I discovered this quote from the second piece of the book :
"[...] God beat Man always and continually, God being Whatever It Was - a cocksucker machinegun or the paiting of Klee, well, and now, thos nylon legs folding around another damn fool."
That's one of the best vulgar description of pantheism that I've found yet. A machingun against a klee is quite evocative. Maybe Confronting Soutine with Rothko would even work better.
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